On 14 December 2014, @10:32 zulu, Niki Kovacs wrote:

I just installed CentOS 6.6 on my HP Pavilion DM1 laptop. The wireless card is only poorly supported in the default setup, so I decided to write an installation script for the Linux-STA driver, which works perfectly.

Do you know if this is a complete list of devices with which your script should work?

 Product Name     Ven:Dev     Dell Product Name[s]
 -------------   ----------   -----------
 4311 2.4 GHz    14e4:4311     Dell 1390
 4311 DualBand   14e4:4312     Dell 1490
 4311 5 GHz      14e4:4313
 4312 2.4 GHz    14e4:4315     Dell 1395
 4313 2.4 GHz    14e4:4727     Dell 1501/1504
 4321 DualBand   14e4:4328     Dell 1500/1505
 4321 2.4 GHz    14e4:4329
 4321 5 GHz      14e4:432a
 4322 DualBand   14e4:432b     Dell 1510
 4322 2.4 GHz    14e4:432c
 4322 5 GHz      14e4:432d
 43142 2.4 GHz   14e4:4365
 43224 DualBand  14e4:4353     Dell 1520
 43225 2.4 GHz   14e4:4357
 43227 2.4 GHz   14e4:4358
 43228 DualBand  14e4:4359     Dell 1530/1540
 4331 DualBand   14e4:4331
 4360 DualBand   14e4:43a0
 4352 DualBand   14e4:43a0


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