On Thu, January 8, 2015 10:44 am, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 9:48 AM, James B. Byrne <byrn...@harte-lyne.ca>
> wrote:
>> A perusal of the contents of both the Fedora devel list and users list
>> does not give one much hope that such a point of view would be
>> tolerated, much less welcomed.
> Exactly. They don't care about breakage, only change.   In the early
> days I tried to follow Fedora development and no one paid any
> attention to complaints about breaking interfaces that other things
> rely on. I eventually just gave up when they pushed a kernel update
> mid-rev that wouldn't boot on my (mainstream IBM) test box and
> subsequent updates were the same.  I don't really expect them to care
> - the people who have something invested in existing components and
> interfaces have been split out of that community.   I just see it as a
> big mistake to let them control the future of the distribution to
> people that need stability and ongoing interface compatibility.
>> One might, however, consider that the CentOS list is a concentration
>> of people that evidently have some status within a number of
>> Enterprises.
> I used to try to encourage using more linux vs.Windows here and
> deployed Centos for infrastructure myself wherever possible because it
> used to be easier to manage and more stable.   But now that I'm
> approaching retirement and realizing that the current management
> processes aren't going to continue to work, I think that may have been
> a mistake.

I read it and there are very familiar feelings. Some 7 or so years ago I
found myself at a meeting (that was open solaris meeting) with a bunch of
people who started looking for alternatives to migrate their boxes to from
Linux. (I may be off on time; it was right after Oracle acquired Sun
Microsystems, so there was already this joke out there: how do you call
that system? If you repeat Sun-Oracle very fast you likely will get it
right: "snorkel" ;-) One of the pushing points was: already then on
average every 30-45 days was either glibc or kernel update, meaning you
have to reboot the box (and on multiple threads here there was a bunch of
other unpleasant things mentioned so I'll skip them...). Linux from
Unix-like system became more Windows like (sorry if it offends anyone, but
I can't hold myself and not repeat what one of people called Linux then:

So, several of those people fled to open solaris. My journey was
different, I ended up migrating a bunch of most important boxes to
FreeBSD. I know how many on this list are already allergic to me saying
this, I promise, this is the last time. I'm using as excuse something
familiar I feel in James's post...


Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247
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