On 02/15/15 22:48, Mark LaPierre wrote:
> Hey Y'all,
> I though I would resurrect a long dead mail chain.
> I'm looking for a good replacement for Rhythmbox.  I need a pod catcher
> to catch podcasts and download them to my HD where I can then move them
> onto my mp3 player that I take to work every day.
> I don't need a new mp3 player so don't suggest VLC.  It is not able to
> download podcasts.
> I'm in the process of provisioning my new CentOS 6.6 x86_64 machine.  I
> have gpodder 2.19 installed on my CentOS 6.6 32 bit machine but have
> managed only to fail miserably at getting gpodder installed on my 64 bit
> machine.
> I see that I started this mail chain back in 2012.  There was no
> solution then.  Does the horizon look any different now?

I gather from the sound of crickets chirping that there is still no
viable solution for a CentOS 6 compatible pod cast collector that is
even close to being up to speed.

I've got gpodded 2.19 on my 32 bit machine.  I eventually got gpodder
2.15 installed on my 64 bit machine after several hours of arm twisting.
 Both are hopelessly out of date, but they work for my purposes.

Does anyone know if CentOS 7 has an alternative to Rhythmbox in the
repos?  Does the version of Rhythmbox that comes with CentOS 7 allow one
to easily add and/or remove feeds without having to manually edit an
obscure configuration file?  The one that's packaged with CentOS 6 does not.

   ^ ^  Mark LaPierre
Registered Linux user No #267004
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