On 04/09/2015 09:51 AM, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
>> Isn't there a way to open a box for "other user"?
>>> 3. Disable the user list:
>>> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Desktop_Migration_and_Administration_Guide/customizing-login-screen.html
>> This, in fact, *is* the correct answer. That it's enabled is bad.
>> 1. Security. Having the username, which someone being nasty wants to
>>      break into, but doesn't know it, this is just that much easier.
>> 2. You have over 100 users. That's annoying to scroll through. Certainly,
>>      each user *ought* to know their own username, and it's faster to
>>      type it in, than scroll down 5 or so names at a time through 100+.
>> 3. See 1.
> Good point.  I never liked the user list anyway.  Wonder why the RHEL 7
> designers chose to add it?

Likely because it is in Fedora and they did not take it out, and it is
likely the default from the GNOME project as well.

To each, their own preference.

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