i did not know you had such talents Frank. ;-)

On 06/22/2015 06:20 PM, Frank Cox wrote:
> The last time I wanted to record a voice announcement on my computer
> was a few years back, and as I recall I hooked up my Microsoft
> Lifechat headset and used Audacity to do the recording.
> Now I want to record a "recitation", which consists of me playing my
> piano and talking over it.
> I have a Casio CDP-230 digital piano but I've never tried hooking it
> up to my computer and making a recording.  It does have a USB midi
> port on it, but I've never used it.
> Has anyone else done something like this?  I'm wondering what the
> easiest way to simultaneously record from a microphone and a digital
> piano would be.

i can not say that i have and not just because i do not play piano. :-)

i will make a suggestion, do it like it would be done in an actual
recording studio.

  1st- lay down the piano on a track until you get it like you want
        it to sound.
  2nd- record the talk on a second track.
  3rd- when you have second track like you want, mix the 2 to 1.

this way, you only have 1 thing to concentrate on at a time.

trying to play piano and keep beat can be difficult if you are also
trying to read and talk.

that is presuming you can chew gum and walk at the same time. ((GBWG))



peace out.

If Bill Gates got a dime for every time Windows crashes...
 ...oh, wait. He does. THAT explains it!
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

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