Correct nfs is working and there aren't any firewall issues.

The problem is probably related to the way and steps that automountd takes to perform the mount, which is probably related to the fact that /home exists. The quickest way to figure that out is to mv /home to /home- and then try automountd again. When and autofs file system is access automountd will check that the mount point exists and create it if not and then perform the mount.

In all this you might have to restart autofs on the client.


On 09/10/15 13:10, Jason Welsh wrote:

[root@server2 home]# mount server1:/home/jason /home/jason
[root@server2 home]#
[root@server2 home]# ls /home/jason/
Desktop Documents Downloads Music mylogfile.txt Pictures Public Templates Videos
[root@server2 home]# df -h /home/jason/
Filesystem           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
server1:/home/jason  297M   19M  278M   7% /home/jason
[root@server2 home]#

so it works manually, just not with the automounter.


On 09/09/2015 05:35 PM, James A. Peltier wrote:

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