Hello everyone,

We have some chrooted sftp-only users on a CentOS release 6.6 server. The
server had been logging their actions, but after recent updates the logs
have stopped.

The server correctly logs non-chrooted users:

    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 sshd[1981]: Accepted publickey for jcours from port 42545 ssh2
    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 sshd[1981]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
opened for user jcours by (uid=0)
    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 sshd[1983]: subsystem request for sftp
    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 internal-sftp[1984]: session opened for local
user jcours from []
    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 internal-sftp[1984]: opendir "/home/jcours"
    Sep 14 17:47:24 vsecure4 internal-sftp[1984]: closedir "/home/jcours"
    Sep 14 17:47:49 vsecure4 internal-sftp[1984]: session closed for local
user jcours from []
    Sep 14 17:47:19 vsecure4 sshd[1977]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
closed for user jcours

but log messages for chrooted users do not appear:

    Sep 14 17:08:11 vsecure4 sshd[1730]: Accepted publickey for
test-sftp-only from port 41723 ssh2
    Sep 14 17:08:11 vsecure4 sshd[1730]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
opened for user test-sftp-only by (uid=0)
    Sep 14 17:08:11 vsecure4 sshd[1734]: subsystem request for sftp
    Sep 14 17:08:22 vsecure4 sshd[1730]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
closed for user test-sftp-only

Notice that there are no "opendir" or "closedir" messages for the chrooted
user, or anything else from the internal-sftp system, for that matter.

/etc/sshd_config contains these settings:

    Subsystem sftp internal-sftp -f AUTHPRIV -l INFO

    Match User test-sftp-only
          ChrootDirectory /home/sftp/mcsosftp
          ForceCommand internal-sftp
          PasswordAuthentication no
          AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/local/bin/get_sftp_key

We've been setting up chrooted logging using this sequence:

    sudo mkdir /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev
    sudo touch /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log
    sudo chattr +i /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev
    sudo mount --bind /dev/log /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log

/etc/rsyslog.conf includes the standard stuff for authpriv:

    # The authpriv file has restricted access.
    authpriv.*                                              /var/log/secure

I've tried forcing rsyslog.conf to listen to /dev/log:

    # We should be listening here.
    $SystemLogSocketName /dev/log

I've also tried removing the hard-mounted /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log and
instead using this in /etc/rsyslog.conf:

    # For chrooted users, generally sftp-only users.
    $AddUnixListenSocket /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log

Neither approach seemed to help the problem, though rsyslogd does appear to
be listening to the sockets:

    $ sudo lsof -c rsyslogd | grep dev/log
    lsof: WARNING: can't stat() devtmpfs file system /home/sftp/dev/log
          Output information may be incomplete.
    rsyslogd 1963 root    0u  unix 0xdc100040      0t0      15419 /dev/log
    rsyslogd 1963 root    3u  unix 0xdbd27dc0      0t0      15421

and file identifies both as sockets:

    $ file /dev/log
    /dev/log: socket

    $ sudo file /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log
    /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log: socket

Here's additional system info for the development server I'm using to debug
the problem:

    $ ls -l /dev/log
    srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Sep 14 17:43 /dev/log

    $ sudo ls -l /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log
    srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Sep 14 17:43 /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev/log

    $ ls -l /dev | grep log
    srw-rw-rw- 1 root root           0 Sep 14 17:43 log
    crw-rw---- 1 root root     10, 227 Sep 14 15:23 mcelog

    $ sudo ls -l /home/sftp/mcsosftp/dev | grep log
    srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Sep 14 17:43 log

    $ cat /etc/redhat-release
    CentOS release 6.6 (Final)

    $ sestatus
    SELinux status:                 disabled

    $ grep test-sftp-only /etc/passwd
    test-sftp-only:x:507:507:Test SFTP

    $ sudo yum list installed | egrep -E 'rsyslog|ssh|sftp'
    libssh2.i686           1.4.2-1.el6_6.1    @updates
    openssh.i686           5.3p1-104.el6_6.1  @updates
    openssh-clients.i686   5.3p1-104.el6_6.1  @updates
    openssh-server.i686    5.3p1-104.el6_6.1  @updates
    rsyslog.i686           5.8.10-10.el6_6    @updates
    vsftpd.i686            2.2.2-14.el6       @base

Corresponding packages on the production server showing the same problem:

    $ sudo yum list installed | egrep -E 'rsyslog|ssh|sftp'
    libssh2.x86_64                         1.4.2-1.el6_6.1
    openssh.x86_64                         5.3p1-112.el6_7
    openssh-clients.x86_64                 5.3p1-112.el6_7
    openssh-server.x86_64                  5.3p1-112.el6_7
    rsyslog.x86_64                         5.8.10-10.el6_6
    rsyslog-gnutls.x86_64                  5.8.10-10.el6_6

Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be or how to diagnose it?

Thanks very much in advance,
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