On 10/13/2015 05:21 PM, Brian Reichert wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 03:18:16PM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>> On 10/13/2015 01:40 PM, Brian Reichert wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 12:51:07PM -0400, Brian Reichert wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 11:42:08AM -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
>>>>> The info you are looking at there is for CentOS-7 .. the syslinux for
>>>>> CentOS-6 is here:
>>>>> http://vault.centos.org/6.7/os/Source/SPackages/syslinux-4.04-3.el6.src.rpm
>>> Related question; where do these files come from?
>>>     http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/EFI/BOOT/
>>> I think they're grub-related, but can't prove that...
>> Before answering more questions ... I really should point out that if
>> you are modifying the CentOS Linux ISOs and distributing them to others
>> while still calling them CentOS Linux, you are likely in violation of
>> our Trademark rules:
>> https://www.centos.org/legal/trademarks/
> That is a separate detail that I need to review; I had run across
> this reference in the past.
>> Those ISOs (and files) are produced by the buildinstall process.  The
>> files in question are created by anaconda-runtime tools.
> That's good to know.  I'm curious about satisfying the obligations
> of redistributing GPL software.  I'll try to trace down the details
> of this buildinstall process, so I can try to track down where the
> associated source is provided by the CentOS project.

The binary program that creates the .efi file is
/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/mk-images and it uses

Those are part of the anaconda-runtime package, the source code for
which is provided by the lastest anaconda source RPM.

Currently, the latest one is here:


Johnny Hughes

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