I just updated my fileserver to version 7.2 and got some NFS problems
after that. In /etc/exports I have the following line

/path hostname(ro,insecure)

Now that host can no longer mount that share. I get
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting x

Also when I do restart of the NFS server I get following in the logs
Dec 30 21:59:33 files systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services...
Dec 30 21:59:33 files nfsdcltrack[31076]: sqlite_query_reclaiming:
unable to prepare select statement: no such column: has_session

Dec 30 21:59:33 files polkitd[28879]: Unregistered Authentication Agent
for unix-process:31032:12640806 (system bus name :1.635, object path
/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_GB.UTF-8)
(disconnected from bus)
Dec 30 21:59:34 files nfsdcltrack[31412]: sqlite_insert_client: insert
statement prepare failed: table clients has 2 columns but 3 values were

What to do?
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