That is very similar to my usecase. Thank you.

On January 8, 2016 10:03:16 PM EST, Rob Kampen <> 
>On 01/09/2016 11:43 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
>> On 1/8/2016 2:21 PM, H wrote:
>>> That was not helpful - I explained that I had to run this version.
>> you WANT to run something completely unsupported from about 10 years 
>> ago which apparently requires software thats known to be insecure and
>> buggy as all heck.       its 2015, not 2005, 10 years is an eternity 
>> in the computer industry.
>> whatever this 10 year old application is you're trying to get
>> it needs to be dragged into a present day state of support.   if this
>> requires reimplementing the clientside applet entirely, so be it.  
>> note, Java applets running in web browsers are an almost entirely 
>> deprecated technology as there's been a non-stop stream of security 
>> problems with the whole java applet concept and implementation.     
>> J2SE 1.4, a version that was new in 2002, was desupported in 2008.
>Just for your information
>I was working for a local ISP a few months ago, that uses microwave 
>radio links to connect various hilltop radio access points and thus 
>provide high speed internet access to rural clients in hard to reach 
>terrain. Some of the kit used had a management interface that ONLY ran 
>on an old, very specific version of java. No, the supplier was not 
>interested in providing updates, what they provided - worked. The 
>network was essentially private, thus difficult for the great unwashed 
>to gain access and then in some way compromise the system. BTW, the 
>particular version of java was only supported on WindozeXP and an old 
>version of IE - thus it ran in a virtualbox and was only made alive
>access to the radio system was required. welcome to the real world of 
>2016, there are lots of bespoke systems providing real value and 
>definitely not affordable  to replace in the cut throat world of a
>> re; EPEL, as I understand, EPEL drops old versions like a rock the 
>> minute they are desupported.
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