On Sun, 6 Mar 2016 21:14:01 +0100
H wrote:

> Frank, I am working on trying to get the geany plugin library to work 
> but have run into a problem because the file geany.pc is not found. My 
> understanding from the geany list is that it should have been installed.
> It does not seem to have been installed by your two packages - do you 
> know where it can be found?

It is part of geany-devel, which I apparently didn't bother saving and posting 
on my webpage for el6, since I didn't compile the plugins for el6 either..

Just compile the geany source rpm that you see on my el6 page and you'll get a 
geany-devel rpm.

I don't use el6 any more myself for my desktop machine so geany isn't 
particularly interesting to me on that platform any more.  I do have geany, 
geany-devel and all of the geany plugins available as binary rpms on my el7 
webpage, though that's probably not a lot of help to you.  Be sure that you 
compile the source rpm on the el6 page if you're compiling for el6 since that 
includes a patch which is neither required or included in the el7 source rpm.  
The el7 source rpm (which is really just the Fedora 23 source rpm) won't 
compile on el6 as-is, which I discovered when I tried to compile it, and which 
is why I wrote the patch so it will work.

If you have trouble compiling the el6 geany source rpm let me know and I will 
compile it for you and make geany-devel available.  There appears to be little 
demand for it, though, since you're the very first person to ask about it, ever.

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