Because I /*shouldn't */have to do that. It comes as a default network management service, so it's a bit counter-intuitive to have it drop the connection every few hours.

And some parts of it are actually pretty good (nmcli -p con show).

Sander Kuusemets
University of Tartu, High Performance Computing, IT Specialist
Skype: sander.kuusemets1
+372 737 5694

On 03/17/2016 09:18 PM, Eero Volotinen wrote:
How about disabling network manager and using the static ip addresses?

17.3.2016 9.05 ip. "Sander Kuusemets" <> kirjoitti:


Why is it so, that NetworkManager allows, and in several cases I've had,
defaults to setting default route to several interfaces at the same time?

Had my fair share of problems with how 172.17.62.something interface tries
to ask for a DHCP lease from 193.something network. I know I could set
never-default to the interfaces, but I shouldn't have to do it to every
machine I had.

Especially bad was the situation when I had two VLANs and a normal
ethernet interface, and dhclient tried to ask a lease for the ethernet over
the VLAN.

Best regards,

Sander Kuusemets
University of Tartu, High Performance Computing, IT Specialist

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