On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 02:01:55PM -0400, Fred Smith wrote:
> I'n wondering if it is possible to have Centos-7 automatically change
> firewall zones, depending on the network we conect to.

The way to do this is changing the zone for the network in
NetworkManager. (This works easily for wifi networks and is kind of a
pain for wired ones, unfortunately, since there's not necessarily a
good way to distinguish.) I don't have a CentOS (or RHEL) desktop and I
don't remember offhand when this hit, but in Fedora, run the
NetworkManager config panel, hit config on a network, and change the
zone on the Security tab.

Or, put "ZONE=public" or "ZONE=work" or whatever in the ifcfg file for
the network.

I'm hoping in the future to make this better, but there are actually a
lot of different parts involved so it's hard to get everyone to agree
on the best approach.

I personally make "public" my default zone, and then add zones that
should be more trusted to networks that should be more open.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
CentOS mailing list

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