On 05/18/2016 07:35 PM, Alfred von Campe wrote:
>> On May 13, 2016, at 16:27, I wrote:
>> Is there any known incompatibility with the latest 32-bit (i386) CentOS 6 
>> and the latest Lenovo x3650 M5 servers?  I’ve been running i386 CentOS 6.X 
>> on 3 year old x3650 M4 servers without any issues.  Our development 
>> environment has not been ported to 64-bit (x86_64) yet, so we are stuck 
>> using i386 for another few months.  When I try to boot from the netinstall 
>> ISO image I just get a “Boot Failed” message. Has anyone had similar issues, 
>> and more importantly, figured out a way to workaround it?
> I’ll answer my own question now that I’ve figured it out in case anyone else 
> is in the same boat.  After the i386 CentOS 6 net install ISO failed to boot, 
> I tried the LiveCD and minimal ISOs which failed in the same way.  Then I 
> tried various x86_64 ISO images to no avail.  The only ISO image that I was 
> able to boot from was the latest Ubuntu 16.04 LTS release.  But I really need 
> i386 CentOS.  I was able to install it by clicking on a Legacy checkbox in 
> the BIOS, which brought up a different list of boot devices and I was finally 
> successful in booting from the ISO image.  I then had to finagle the BIOS to 
> always boot in legacy mode so that it would recognize the i386 CentOS boot 
> partition on each powerup.

Yes, CentOS-6 32bit can not boot UEFI or secureboot at all, and needs
'Legacy Boot' enabled.  The CentOS-6 x86_64 can boot 'UEFI with
secureboot off', but not secureboot.

CentOS-7 (x86_64) can install on secureboot or 'UEFI w/secureboot off',
or legacy.

CentOS-7 (Altarch i386) can install on 'UEFI w/secureboot off' or
legacy, but no secureboot.

Johnny Hughes

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