Try this


18.7.2016 6.42 ip. "Jerry Geis" <> kirjoitti:

> Under the old C6 I put an entry in rc.local to run my programs I want. We
> will call it /path/
> Worked fine.
> Under C7 I have created a new service file for systemd. It looks like:
> ---------------
> [Unit]
> Description=Company
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> ExecStart=/path/
> [Install]
> -----------
> For the most part this works every time on boot.
> However - when I do a "yum update" and the kernel changes part of my
> is to
> detect that kernel change and recompile some of my drivers.
> The kernel change is detected and the recomiling starts - but after some
> time the
> process just stops. If I rerun it manuall it will then complete as normal.
> So my question is  - Is my service script above not complete? Is they
> system looking for
> it to exit in a certain amount of time and it hasnt exited so it KILLs my
> script ?
> something like that ?
> What is missing from my script so it does not kill it after some time ?
> Thanks
> Jerry
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