On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 10:47:06PM -0500, geo.inbox.ignored wrote:
> greetings.
> in an attempt to display correct fonts in firefox instead of squares
> with binary values, i installed wrong fonts and made things worse.
> how do i find out what fonts are, as i did not think to make note
> of what i was adding?

While I see yum.log was mentioned, I didn't see mention of yum history.

If you type it (you have to use root or sudo), you get a history of your
yum transactoins.  So you might see something like

184 | update                   | 2016-08-20 16:48 | Update        

(Sorry if formatting is off). 
In your case, you might see 

185     install bad_font   |<date> |Install

You can then use

yum undo 185

This will undo the yum transaction that installed the font.

I realize you've solved your issue for the moment, but the history option
is quite useful.

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
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