CentOS 7 and my experience with clamav 99.2 from epel repository:

instead of --nofork you need --foreground=yes

nofork parameter is definitly outdated.
man clamd.conf
with the necessary changes in

Best regards

Viele Grüße
Helmut Drodofsky
Internet XS Service GmbH
Heßbrühlstraße 15
70565 Stuttgart
Dr.-Ing. Roswitha Hahn-Drodofsky
HRB 21091 Stuttgart
USt.ID: DE190582774
Tel. 0711 781941 0
Fax: 0711 781941 79
Mail: i...@internet-xs.de

Am 12.11.2016 um 04:46 schrieb Gordon Messmer:
On 11/11/2016 02:39 AM, Rob Kampen wrote:
When I invoke from the CLI - there is a -nofork=yes as a part of the invocation. When systemd tries to do the invocation via the ExecStart line - the original clamd@.service file had this --nofork=yes also, the problem was that this just caused an abend of the start up with the message:

Not on my system, it doesn't:

$ grep Exec /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd@.service
ExecStart = /usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/%i.conf --foreground=yes
$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd@.service

> /usr/sbin/clamd: unrecognized option `--nofork=yes'
> ERROR: Unknown option passed
> ERROR: Can't parse command line options
and a look at the clamd man shows no such parameter - thus I removed it.
I wonder if this is the issue? Not sure what I can or how I can test.

Yeah, it might be worth removing the package and reinstalling it. You shouldn't need to modify the provided systemd service file.
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