In my new Centos7 BIND DNS server, I am seeing messages in logwatch about GeoIP.

Something new for me to learn about, and it seems, configure.

Checking to see what packages are available I find:

GeoIP.armv7hl                           1.5.0-11.el7 @centos-base_rbf
GeoIP-data.noarch                       1.5.0-11.el7 base
GeoIP-devel.armv7hl                     1.5.0-11.el7 base
GeoIP-update.noarch                     1.5.0-11.el7 base

and GeoIP.armv7hl is already installed in my image (even before I installed BIND, it seems to be part of a base server?).

I am not finding any help for GeoIP on Centos, but for debian/ubuntu they are saying to install geoip-database. Is GeoIP-data the same thing? What about GeoIP-update?

Basically, I probably should get started on this, or disable it in my DNS server. Can someone point me to Centos specific help or help me out?


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