On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 01:36:26PM -0800, david wrote:
> Dear CentOS Gurus
> I have been using "repoforge.org" primarily to obtain two RPMs, "lshw" and
> "flash-plugin".  I recently realized that "repoforge.org" should not be
> used, as it has had no updates for a long long time.  But, when I search for
> the lshw program is nowhere to be found.  I value its ability to inventory
> the hardware, and construct an attractive HTML page.

I'm not sure about CentOS-6, but for CentOS-7, lshw seems to be in the base
repo.  Flash can be gotten directly from Adobe's site, you can either get
the yum repo or just download the latest rpm and use rpm -Uvh on it.

Looking at pkgs.org, it seems that lshw is also in the base reop for

Scott Robbins
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