On 08/14/2017 01:38 AM, Gary Stainburn wrote:
I will add the code, although updating RPM contents is one of the things I was
trying to avoid.

"systemctl edit" creates a "drop-in" that overrides a portion of the vendor-provided file. It exists specifically to avoid editing rpm-provided files.

   Having said that, I have restarted the service after bootup
has completed and this does not fix the problem.

Well, that error can also be caused by Net::DNS being unable to parse /etc/resolv.conf, or the spamassassin force_ipv4 or force_ipv6 setting with no DNS servers of that address family.

What does your /etc/resolv.conf look like?

You might also try starting spamd manually, and adding "-D dns" to the arguments currently used. That will log a good deal of additional information about the DNS configuration, and you should be able to figure out where spamd is getting its DNS servers (configuration or Net::DNS).

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