On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 5:22 AM, Phil Perry <ppe...@elrepo.org> wrote:
> On 03/01/18 20:14, Zube wrote:
>> I can confirm that this happens with the driver downloaded from NVIDIA.
>> I had to fall back to the .90 driver to get it to work for all my
>> NVS 315s (with dual DVI) running on 7.4 / 6.9.

Thanks. For reference, I did the same test. With the driver downloaded
from NVIDIA the issues also occurs in my case.

> I couldn't find any reports upstream at nvidia so am unsure if they are
> aware of the issue.

Where do you look for this at nvidia, in the community forums? Or is
there another publicly available bug tracking system? (which I was
unable to find)

> There is an updated version 387.34 short-lived branch driver available in
> the elrepo testing repository that you could test to see whether the issue
> has been fixed in this latest release (only available for el7 currently).

Surprisingly, I couldn't reproduce the issue anymore. Therefore at
first sight it seems to be fixed in the 387.34 driver.

I posted a question at nvidia anyway:
(although I'm not sure it is the right place, still having some issues
finding my way at nvidia.com, other suggestions or directions are
welcome of course)

Will short-lived drivers ever make it into the official elrepo
repository? Or will only the long-lived drivers be included in the
official repository?
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