On 05/04/2018 04:05 PM, Warren Young wrote:
On May 4, 2018, at 4:11 PM, Louis Lagendijk <lo...@fazant.net> wrote:
The comment is correct: chcon will not survive a relabel. You need to
update the database first (semanage fcontext) and then let a relabel
apply the new context.
Alright, then why do I get that error when I give the command from this 
morning’s wiki text, and how do I avoid it?

# od -c
sudo semanage fcontext –at samba_share_t /path/to/share
0000000   s   u   d   o       s   e   m   a   n   a   g   e f   c
0000020   o   n   t   e   x   t     342 200 223   a   t       s a   m
0000040   b   a   _   s   h   a   r   e   _   t       /   p   a t   h
0000060   /   t   o   /   s   h   a   r   e  \n

You get the error because that isn't a hyphen, it's an en-dash. Someone probably copied and pasted from Word.
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