On 05/25/2018 07:33 AM, Frederik Lotter wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two questions:
> (1) In 7.3 CentOS released a rootfs tar for ARM64. I can no longer find
> this under the 7.5 release. Furthermore, I could also not find anything on
> the ISO that seems rootfs-like in any near complete state. The closest was
> the LiveOS/rootfs.img, but it seems this is not a complete fs as yum is
> missing components, for example.

I have created an image file that we can test.  If it does what we need,
then we'll get it on the server in the iso dir.

Can you take a look at:

See if that does what you want .. if not let's figure out what we need
to do to get what you want.

> So my question is: Is there any way to still use CentOS releases on new
> ARM64 development environments (without EFI boot support)?
> (2) In terms of UEFI firmware support in the ARM64 world (e.g. EDKII vs
> Uboot), is there any officially supported solution for CentOS, or do you
> simply support whatever supports the UEFI interface?

I would not call any of this 'supported' .. but the UEFI image is what
we provide and really try to ensure is working .. for large data center
deployment, etc. (that is really what CentOS is, right) .. BUT .. we
would also like to provide images for install on the dev boards as well.

I plan on mirroring what we are currently doing here for x86_64 (for
cloud) on aarch64 as well, maybe this cycle .. certainly by the next
monthly cycle.


There are already a couple old images there:


But we should get some 1805 or 1806 images and starting to maintain
those as well (again .. maybe this cycle [end of May updates, released
this week, 1805], or certainly next cycle [end of June updates, released
first week of July, 1806])


The CentOS-Devel mailing list is likely a better place to do this
testing, are you subscribed?


Johnny Hughes

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