On 08/29/2018 09:22 AM, wwp wrote:
On Wed, 29 Aug 2018 08:27:06 -0700 Gordon Messmer <gordon.mess...@gmail.com> 
On 08/28/2018 11:33 PM, wwp wrote:
   - it doesn't expand *foo whereas there are *foo-named files in current dir, 
for instance:
     # rm *foo
     will show nothing whereas there's a file barfoo in curdir.
Tab completion finishes a single word, given a string that appears at the 
beginning of a list of candidates.
Wrong, tab completion proposes the list of candidates if there are
several, and it only finishes a single word automatically if there's
only one match for the pattern. At least I never experienced tab
completion how you're describing it.

Perhaps a miscommunication.  What I mean is that tab completion's final outcome would be a single word, though it can suggest multiple candidates if there are several with matching prefix strings.

Wildcard expansion (Ctrl+x, e) will expand a word containing a wildcard to 
multiple words on the command line, usually so that you can remove some matches.

Neither will do specifically what you're trying to do, as far as I know.  I 
think it's simply too ambiguous.
This works fine in CentOS 6

$ docker run -i -t --rm centos:6 /bin/bash --login
[root@9880736fa3ce ~]# touch 1.foo-named
[root@9880736fa3ce ~]# touch 2.foo-named
[root@9880736fa3ce ~]# ls *.fo

Tab completion doesn't work the way you're suggesting, on CentOS 6. It's possible that such a feature exists in some shell, but not one that I'm aware of.

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