On 2018-10-19, Nicolas Kovacs
<i...@microlinux.fr> wrote:
> Le 19/10/2018 à 10:30, Nicolas Kovacs a écrit :
>> Any idea what's missing here or why this doesn't work as expected ?
> OK, I've investigated this a little further, and it looks like I have
> a partial success.
> In Nautilus, I pressed Ctrl+L and then typed in the Samba server URL:
> smb://amandine
> Now my two shares ("Public" and "Confidentiel") appeared OK in
> Nautilus.  I could mount them and browse them perfectly.
> So it looks like there's something that prevents my server (amandine)
> from showing up in Nautilus when I click on "Browse network". Hmmm.
> Any suggestions ?
> Niki

Is avahi-daemon running on the client? That's what provides service

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