On 03/12/2018 11:14, John Hodrien wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Dec 2018, Simon Matter wrote:
>>> Le 03/12/2018 à 06:25, Rob Kampen a écrit :
>>>> I enabled the CR repo and did the yum update. Some 800+ rpms were
>>>> offered and all seemed to resolve depenancies OK, so yes it was
>>>> started. The updates completed and all looked good, until the reboot.
>>> I got a similar disaster here. I guess the lesson to be learned is that
>>> CR is nice to have on servers, but don't use it on desktops.
>> My question is what will change with the final release of 7.6? I thought
>> the CR repo usually holds all updates with the exception of
>> centos-release, or are there more updates to come? I had the impression
>> that in the past, the final release brought only cosmetic changes with
>> the
>> centos-release being updated.
> I've seen zero problems on Desktops I've installed CR on.
> If CR has issues, as you say you'd expect 7.6 to have problems.  If
> things are
> failing with CR updates, you really want to investigate what's going on.
> jh

+1 as 7.6.1810 is exactly 7.5.1804+updates+CR so only missing packages
are centos-release/anaconda and install tree/media ..

So if there are issues with CR, using the list and bugs.centos.org would
be good.
BTW : the goal of CR is exactly to find those issues earlier and then
write Release Notes with workarounds/warnings

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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