On 14/01/2019 07:09, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:

Specs in subject line: CentOS 6.X all latest patches), iptables 1.47, Apache2.2

I use the Geolite legacy databases together with iptables 1.47 to filter 
traffic for a variety of ports and only allow .AU traffic to have access.

I use ipdeny's aggregated country lists to do the same thing:


I just feed this data directly into ipset/iptables via a script running on my firewall (not a C6 box). ipset is a really efficient way of doing this.

Maxmind (https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/) changed the default DB 
to the latest version which is GeoLite2, this leaves all users in need of the 
old Geolite Legacy database in the dark, they cannot update.

If I download a later version of xtables it will complain that it requires 
iptable>1.6 which I do not think I can get going on CentOS 6.X.

Is there a way that I can convert Geolite2 CSV files to Geolite Legacy CSV 
Files and then compile those into BE/LE?

Are there any other ways I can use Geolite2 on a CentOS 6.X system?

Does anyone have other ideas how to tackle this?

(this made me really sleep well!)


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