On Apr 10, 2019, at 9:38 AM, Benjamin Smith <li...@benjamindsmith.com> wrote:
> For some reason, you *cannot* have a partition of type GPT and expect 
> Linux to boot. (WT F/H?!?) 

I believe you were trying to make use of a facility invented as part of the GPT 
Protective Partition feature without understanding it first:


As a normal user, there is no good cause to be changing an MBR partition’s type 
to GPT in this way.  It’s a feature that only GPT partitioning tools should be 
making use of, and then only to prevent legacy OSes from interfering with 
actual GPT partitioning schemes.

In other words, you’ve mislead the boot loader into trying to seek out an 
*actual* GPT partition table, which doesn’t exist, giving the symptom you saw.

I’ve never used ZFS with MBR partitions.  Normally I feed it whole disks, in 
which case the ZoL zpool implementation will create GPT partition tables and 
give the first partition code BF01.  That means type BF *might* be the correct 
value on MBR.

I suspect you could just as well use type 83 (Linux generic) for this, since 
that doesn’t refer to any specific file system.  Properly-written utilities do 
metadata probing to figure out what tools to use with it, so putting ZFS on a 
type 83 MBR partition should be harmless, since only ZFS tools will admit to 
being able to do anything with it.
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