On 4/24/19 7:04 PM, Tony Mountifield wrote:
In article <f7f6e8a9-5425-78f6-f49b-988ab125b...@gc-24.de>,
hwilmer <h...@gc-24.de> wrote:


somehow phpmyadmin messed things up when I was trying to modify a table.
   The table disappeared, and now it's impossible to re-create it:

MariaDB [time]> create table etikettend_metainfo (userID integer(6)
unsigned, stationsnummer integer(4) unsigned, primary key (userID));
ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table `time`.`etikettend_metainfo`
(errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed")
MariaDB [time]> show tables like 'etikettend%';
| Tables_in_time (etikettend%) |
| etikettend_etikettentypen    |
| etikettend_stationen         |
2 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Since the table has vanished, I'm finding myself unable to remove the
key constraints, and trying to disable them was also unsuccessful.

It is not necessary to recover the vanished table because it had just
been created and was still empty anyway.

But how do I fix this?

Have a look at the troubleshooting information at:

You might also find useful information in the MySQL documentation at:

Thanks! None of all this mentions vanished tables still having constraints on them or how to drop contraints referring to tables that do not exist.
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