On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 10:19 AM Nicolas Kovacs <i...@microlinux.fr> wrote:

> Le 23/12/2019 à 23:01, Jonathan Billings a écrit :
> > No.  8-stream is where packages will (eventually) be available to test
> software that’ll be part of the next point release of RHEL. So, for
> example, before RHEL 8.1 was released, 8-stream had kernel packages with a
> version-release close to what was eventually released in RHEL 8.1, and
> eventually into CentOS 8.1.xxxx.
> In short and to sum it up, CentOS 8 in its current state has some
> unpatched vulnerabilities. They have been adressed in RHEL since
> October, but not in CentOS.
> It's fair to say this raises a few eyebrows among concerned CentOS users.
> Cheers,
> Niki
> --
> Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
> 7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
> Site : https://www.microlinux.fr
> Mail : i...@microlinux.fr
> Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32
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I don't know whether the below steps are permitted.
but, you can install RHEL 8.1 Developer Edition on a VM.
Download the SRPM for your package.
Then rebuild on the CentOS machine and install the RPM.
This is just for the important fixes like security.


Thomas Stephen Lee
CentOS mailing list

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