>> I noticed a strange behaviour (don't know if this is the wanted
>> default). If I try ,from normal user shell, to run command like "reboot"
>> or "shutdown -h now" system will reboot/shutdown. This happens on tty
>> console, on xfce terminal and ssh session.
> I've just created a normal user on my test system and when I try to
> reboot or halt the system when logged in via ssh I get:
>    $ reboot
>    Failed to set wall message, ignoring: Interactive authentication
> required.
>    Failed to reboot system via logind: Interactive authentication
> required.
>    Failed to open initctl fifo: Permission denied
>    Failed to talk to init daemon.
> Which is correct behaviour.
> However, a user logged in at the machine as GUI console session has
> always been able to halt or reboot the system.
>> Why on CentOS a normal user can shutdown the system without root
>> privileges? I think that on any server normal user should not be able to
>> shutdown the system without privileges.
> If it's a desktop machine, then the console logged in user should be
> able to shutdown the machine - at least then it means they don't resort
> to pulling the plug.  Presumably you don't allow users physically near
> a server?

That's why I asked if the user who was logged in via ssh was also logged
in locally at the same time. That would at lest explain such behavior.


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