On 6/5/2020 12:21 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
if you click on the six digit number, for example, e52775 for the
current latest "import 389-ds-base-".  The result is
every diff of every change for the rpm.

That's quite handy! But not what I'm looking for. I'm trying to figure out what edits I made to my config files.

My most recent case was trying to figure out what I'd done to my BIND files (/etc/named.*, /etc/logrotate.d/named, /var/named/*). I ended up just tarring them up and erasing and re-installing the bind package, then untarring my old config into a tmp directory and diffing the files individually, reapplying appropriate changes.

Some packages make this a bit easier, such as systemd unit files (where my customization never touches a package file) and fail2ban (where customizations go in a .local file that overrides settings in a .conf file. I much prefer this pattern, but it doesn't work with older packages like BIND. Some packages have a hybrid structure with a directory for customizations, like apache.

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