On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 02:23:36PM +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> > About Oracle as alternative. Oracle Linux is not an alternative to 
> > CentOS but for RHEL and if I will force to pay for enteprise system 
> > currently I will pay RHEL, not OL. Over this, OL is not the only 
> > enterprise distro that a "user" could choose. If support is needed there 
> > are SUSE (SLES) and Ubuntu. For who that don't need support there are 
> > Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE (I'm talking about the most used but you know 
> > that slackware,FreeBSD are in that list), so many alternatives are in place.
> I think it's particularly disappointing *if* this is a "policy" from RH
> since the other major RHEL clone, Scientific Linux, has not produced an
> EL8 offering in favour of using CentOS.

Keep in mind that as soon as Scientific Linux started taking off, IIRC,
because CentOS was late with a release, RH quickly hired its main
developer.  I don't think we can really expect RH to act differently than
most corporations. 

Scott Robbins
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