Requirement is a very strong word , but you should consider using it and here 
is a short demo why:

- By default, RHEL uses NetworkManager to configure and manage network 
connections, and the /usr/sbin/ifup and /usr/sbin/ifdown scripts use 
NetworkManager to process ifcfg files in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 

[root@system ~]# ls -l /usr/sbin/ifup
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 21 окт 21,29 /usr/sbin/ifup -> /etc/alternatives/ifup

[root@system ~]# alternatives --list  | grep ifup
ifup                    auto    /usr/libexec/nm-ifup

[root@system ~]# rpm -qf /usr/libexec/nm-ifup

- the old networks-scripts have been deprecated and are not the defaults anymore

It's about time to switch to NM, but you got some 5-8 years till next EL 

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В сряда, 28 октомври 2020 г., 12:47:12 Гринуич+2, Frank Even 
<> написа: 

No.  Network Manager is always disabled on our builds since at least
Cent5 days.  The network stack has always been able to be managed
properly without relying on Network Manager.  Is that now an absolute
requirement?  It never has been prior.

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 6:26 PM Strahil Nikolov via CentOS
<> wrote:
> Have you tried to use NetworkManager ?
> After all ,anything network related should be done by it.
> [root@system ~]# nmcli connection add con-name dummy0 ifname dummy0 type dummy
> Connection 'dummy0' (9fdd74fa-c143-4991-9bac-0e542704ac89) successfully added.
> [root@system ~]# reboot
> Shared connection to glustera closed.
> [root@system ~]# uptime
> 03:23:44 up 0 min,  1 user,  load average: 1,57, 0,48, 0,17
> [root@glustera ~]# nmcli connection show
> NAME    UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
> dummy0  9fdd74fa-c143-4991-9bac-0e542704ac89  dummy    dummy0
> [root@system ~]# ip a s dummy0
> 3: dummy0: <BROADCAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 
> group default qlen 1000
>    link/ether ce:c9:83:97:10:ee brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
>    inet6 fe80::599:a978:9457:df10/64 scope link noprefixroute
>      valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> P.S.: This is the first time I hear about dummy interfaces. What are those 
> used for ?
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov
> В вторник, 27 октомври 2020 г., 02:42:06 Гринуич+2, Frank Even 
> <> написа:
> Anyone have any ideas?  It's rather annoying that I can't get these to
> persist across reboots without using some kind of helper script.
> On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 6:37 AM Frank Even
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all, hoping someone can help me out here.
> >
> > I cannot get dummy interfaces on a new Cent8 build to persist across 
> > reboots.
> >
> > On Cent7 - this is the process I use:
> >
> > Create Dummies:
> > # cat /etc/modules-load.d/dummy.conf
> > dummy
> > # cat /etc/modprobe.d/dummyopts.conf
> > options dummy numdummies=4
> > # ip link add dummy0 type dummy
> > ## - repeating a/ ascending dummyN adapters for as many needed
> > # service network start
> > # dracut -f
> >
> > Now  this  was  different than even how 6 handled it, forget how I
> > finally dug that up (possible I even asked here).  I've applied this
> > same configuration to a Cent8 box I'm trying to stand up and it all
> > appears to work fine, but unlike the Cent7 boxes,  when the Cent8 box
> > comes back up,  all the dummy adapters are missing.  I've been
> > searching all over trying to find some documentation on this to no
> > avail.  I'm hoping someone has some suggestions here to help out.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Frank
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