To be fair, that was a commitment RH gave. They are now a department within Big Blue and must dance to their tune. <cynic>Of course you could always try holding your breath and awaiting the sell off to Lenovo in about five years time.</cynic>

On 08/12/2020 16:25, Lange, Markus wrote:

this is really bad news.

Back in 2014 [1], sadly no one at RH seems to remember...

"Some of the things that are not changing:
- - The CentOS Linux platform isn't changing. The process and methods
built up around the platform however are going to become more open,
more inclusive and transparent.
- - The sponsor driven content network that has been central to the
success of the CentOS efforts over the years stays intact.
- - The bugs, issues, and incident handling process stays as it has
with more opportunities for community members to get involved at
various stages of the process.
- - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux to CentOS firewall will also remain.
Members and contributors to the CentOS efforts are still isolated from
the RHEL Groups inside Red Hat, with the only interface being srpm /
source path tracking, no sooner than is considered released. In
summary:  we retain an upstream.

Feel free to reach out if you have specific concerns about how this
change impacts your CentOS story. URLs mentioned at the bottom of this
email should be a good starting point."

Crossing fingers that alternatives emerge soon.

Best regards,


J Martin Rushton MBCS
CentOS mailing list

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