On Tue, Dec 08, 2020 at 11:42:01PM +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
> I too would be interested to know what happens to CentOS 8 Stream once
> focus of RedHat moves to RHEL 9?  The life cycle document says the last
> release of RHEL8 will be 8.10, that's a five year road map (since point
> releases seem to be every 6 months), so the point releases will end in
> 2024, presumably the end of the point releases means the end of Stream
> updates?  Have these things been thought out that far ahead?

As I understand it, the current plan is for there to be Stream 8 and Stream
9 in parallel. For one thing, once RH developers are all geared up for
working in Stream 8, it'd be _extra_ work to pull that all back in-house.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
CentOS mailing list

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