Am 09.12.20 um 20:28 schrieb Jon Pruente:
On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 5:24 AM Leon Fauster via CentOS < <>> wrote:

     > The relatively fewer that are on CentOS Linux 8 have some
    decisions to
     > make.  The end of 2021 is sooner than they were expecting *but*
    there is
     > a fully available upgrade path from CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS
    Stream 8
     > (IE: not a reinstall), and that will take them to 2024.  That's
    half of
     > the 10 years they might have expected, but it should let them give
     > Stream a try and see if it is for them or not.

    If "Stream" is the base for the next RHEL8.x where are the updates
    2029 coming from, when CentOS Stream 8 will be shutdown at 2024?

I think you've confused some dates, unless you have a link to the 2024 date for Stream 8. CentOS 7 will continue until 2024. CentOS Stream 8 doesn't have a clear EOL, but it is presumably at or before the end of RHEL 8 in 2029. CentOS 8 EOL has been yanked back to 2021. <>
 > End-of-life
 > N/A

No, its exactly as I said:

(full-support -> 2024).

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