I'd like to run this by you guys and get your opinion.

For those of us who are considering moving to Oracle Linux (or at least doing 
some experimenting with it), I just had an idea for dealing with the fact that 
the oracle-el-epel apparently doesn't have all of the packages that are in the 
fedora-el-epel that we all know and love.

It makes sense to me to use the oracle epel with OL to the greatest extent 
possible simply because it's part of OL.

To get around the missing package issue, what about setting up both oracle-epel 
and fedora-epel, and then using the dnf priorities to pick the stuff from 
oracle-epel first and if it's not there then grab it from fedora-epel.

One issue that I can see (though it may not be an actual issue) is the way the 
priorities setting works:

    The priority value of this repository, default is 99. If there is more than 
one candidate package for a particular operation, the one from a repo with the 
lowest priority value is picked, possibly despite being less convenient 
otherwise (e.g. by being a lower version).

By setting fedora-epel to a lower priority, the if a package we want is only in 
fedora-epel, we'll grab it from there.  But if that package has a dependency on 
another package version X  that can be found in fedora-epel and for some reason 
oracle-epel supplies only package version X-1, what happens then?  Is dnf smart 
enough to pick the higher-versioned (and required) package from fedora-epel 
even though it has a lower priority.

I'll try to explain that again.

I want to install Foo, which is only in fedora-epel.

Foo requires Bar version 2.0.

Bar 2.0 exists in fedora-epel, but oracle-epel has only Bar version 1.0.

What happens then?  Does dnf see that Foo requires Bar-2.0 and get it from 
fedora-epel even though it has a lower priority?

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