On 10/05/2021 18:11, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> On 5/6/21 12:03 PM, d tbsky wrote:
>> Johnny Hughes <joh...@centos.org>
>>> On 5/6/21 4:22 AM, d tbsky wrote:
>>>> Hi:
>>>>     RHEL 8.3 doesn't offer extended update support, so it seems be EOL
>>>> this month.
>>>> but centos8 will be supported until December. so will there be centos
>>>> 8.4, or centos 8.3 will do the extend update support itself?
>>> I will be working on CentOS 8.4 updates once the source code is released.
>>    thanks for confirmation. so at least will have the last CentOS
>> version. then we can decide where to go.
> depending on the release date of RHEL 8.5 .. I 'MIGHT' be able to finish
> that one and get it into vault.centos.org as well.  I will try to do
> that if possible.

Talking about that : what's the official position on how CentOS 8 will
go EOL ?
I'd be myself in favor of transparently redirecting CentOS 8 linux
yum/dnf mirrorlists to 8-stream end of the year, so that people would
still get automatically updates and would be able to "dnf install <bla>"

I'd prefer that over a "mirrorlist.centos.org answering <invalid arch /
release combination>" and so breaking existing installs.

Fabian Arrotin
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