I don't think it is a problem limited to America. Greed exists worldwide.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 8:48 AM mario juliano grande-balletta <
mario.balle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Before anyone mentions "charity" and Bill Gates foundation............
> just remember how many good technology companies and software that
> Microsoft destroyed with FUD tactics in the 80's, 90's, and
> 2000's.........
> charity begins at home they say in America...........
> what about those few million employees who lost jobs, homes, cars,
> savings because Microsoft destroyed their companies?  what about
> them?  where was their charity?
> In America it's all too common to use treachery, dishonesty in business
> and politics to climb to the top, and destroy competition, and then
> pretend to give to charitable causes...
> pure hypocrisy........blatant hypocrisy
> I for one cannot be bought, never......
> as a veteran and so many other things, I will never surrender to
> corporate bullying from anyone, including Amazon, I left AWS for
> similar reasons..........
> I am proud to say I have not used a Windows OS since
> 1995............and still refuse to this day to allow any Microsoft
> devices attach to my SOHO networks...
> same for Apple and IBM and Oracle.........
> freedom is more than an idea, more than a principle, it is a lifestyle
> too!
> On Fri, 2021-07-09 at 08:14 -0400, mario juliano grande-balletta wrote:
> > This is what I remember about evil
> > Microsoft...............................
> > In 1992, Microsoft released Windows NT, and advertised it as the
> > greatest operating system and began giving away free licenses to
> > colleges and universities and hiring public relations firms to
> > publish phony surveys and results to prove Windows NT was better than
> > Novell NetWare or any other OS.  Meanwhile, it took 4 years for
> > Microsoft to finally install Windows NT at their HQ in Redmond,
> > Washington.  Why so long?  Because they were successfully running
> > Novell NetWare, the same NetWare that Microsoft was slowly destroying
> > with FUD in the tech journals and media with phony surveys.
> > Someone here said a leopard never changes his spots, KUDOS Sir!
> > Microsoft is a cancer, a cancer to freedom, a cancer to innovation
> > and always was, who didn't they destroy back in the 90's and early
> > 2000's?  They stole Word from WordPerfect, they stole Office from
> > Borland, and Excel was plagiarized from Lotus 1-2-3.
> > Microsoft deserves to be hacked and destroyed and is the epitome of
> > the most evil and treacherous an American corporation can
> > become.................
> > I HATE MICROSOFT and so do many others who survived their FUD tactics
> > from the 90's.  Some of you weren't even born yet...............
> > I know Gates and Ballmer and company all to well....long before the
> > documentaries "Pirates Of Silicon Valley" and "Triumph Of The Nerds".
> > Any efforts they make toward linux are for control and never for
> > freedom or innovation.  Control, power, greed are their only goals,
> > always.
> > WAKE UP!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 2021-07-09 at 09:25 +0200, Ralf Prengel wrote:
> > > Zitat von Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshri...@gmail.com>:
> > > Hi,
> > > I have 20 Linux servers in the network. Is there a way to audit all
> > > Linuxclients using a centralized server? For example, what commands
> > > are run byJohn on Linuxnode1? Steve on Linuxnode15? and so on and
> > > so forth totrack user activity. Which files have been modified or
> > > edited or commandsetc...... by the users.
> > > I have installed auditd, but it is local to the Linux server.Thanks
> > > in advance.
> > >
> > > Hallo,what is about ansible for example.Ralf
> > >
> > >
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