Johnny Hughes wrote:


We do not seem to have php-mssql for CentOS extras as it requires freetds and we were concerned about potential patent issues with freetds. However, it seems Fedora is including freetds now in version 8 and version 9, so I will research this freetds issue again and if we think we can safely build and distribute freetds I will get it into our extras repo soon. If not, you should be able to easily build it ... but I think we will add it, so not to worry.


OK, for the record, freetds and php-mssql have been added to the CentOS-5 extras repo on the master server. Expect them to be on in the next hour and on the external public mirrors with a day.

BTW, Jim Perrin (one of our developers ... aka Evolution on freenode IRC) says that using the freetds and unixODBC driver is a better method to connect:

So now you have 2 CentOS repo options to talk to mssql :D

Johnny Hughes

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