> I was talking about something like ca-certificates.deb package in
> Ubuntu, for example, you have a directory
> /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/ which has many CA certificates.
> But it seems that not all distros have it, I googled in internet but
> nothing I found but Ubuntu package.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> --
> Open Kairos http://www.openkairos.com
> Watch More TV http://sebelk.blogspot.com
> Sergio Belkin -

Do you mean (as Barry Brimer pointed out)...

# cat /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt

# This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate
# Authorities.  It was generated from the Mozilla root CA list.
# Source: mozilla/security/nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# Generated from certdata.txt RCS revision 1.39

Steve Tindall
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