On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 08:49 -0500, Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Jun Salen wrote:
> > Joseph L. Casale wrote:
> >> What is the closest open source mail server I can replace exchange 
> >> with that provides the nearest equivalent in user experience?
> >>
> >> Thanks!
> >> jlc
> > 
> > I use Zimbra OS Edition with more than 300 users, Ajax and HTML capable and 
> > very easy to setup. Looks professional in terms of interface. Good 
> > community too. The only problem is that it was bought by Yahoo which is 
> > planning to buy by M$, but since OS version was GPL, then I assume that the 
> > project will continue even after acquired by M$. Maybe. 
> it is NOT GPL, it is YPL 
> <http://www.zimbra.com/license/yahoo_public_license_1.0.html> and can 
> not be redistributed without attribution ... so if the M$ buy out 
> happens there is no guarantee that another version could be made under 
> the terms of the YPL.
> There has been MUCH dismay about this in the Zimbra forums ... and we 
> will have to see what happens if the buyout happens.
> http://www.zimbra.com/forums/zimbra-success-stories/14964-ms-offering-buy-yahoo.html
> So, I like zimbra as an exchange replacement, but I would not recommend 
> it for NEW installs.
> This is another example of how the license "DOES MATTER".
> But then again, I am a GPL "kool-aid" drinker, so take my opinion with a 
> grain of salt.
I think the issue of Zimbra will completely prove the point for GPL
since if (or perhaps when is more operative) Microsoft buys Zimbra, they
will have little incentive to sell it off or continue to develop which
turns all existing Zimbra installations into orphans.


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