On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 16:48 -0500, Doug Tucker wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 15:56 -0500, Scott Nelson wrote:
> > On May 14, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Doug Tucker wrote:
> > 
> > > ...all but dead...I run a usenet server here, had 3 logins last
> > > month...user base is over 4000...
> > 

I *think* Scott wrote:
> > Usenet is almost dead but e-mail lists abound (you are using one).   
> > Same concepts.
> I know, but my point was, since we all use email to read email lists,
> let's get off the old usenet etiquette, and use email etiquette, which
> you will find yourself in the very minute minority that replies bottom
> post.  

Doug, you *still* are missing the point! The *rules* written in the days
of Usenet are *still* applicable today. Why? Because the reason for
their existence hasn't changed. Originally there was Usenet *groups* now
there are email lists. What's the difference? The names.

Bob Taylor

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