On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 07:31:17AM -0400, Jeffrey B. Layton wrote:
> Good morning,
> I've inherited an old laptop from my wife that I'd like to
> use when I travel (it's fairly small with a 12" screen). The
> bad part is that it is maxed out on memory with 384MB.
> Has anyone played with using Centos5 on systems with
> little memory? Ideally, I don't need too much - Firefox,
I was running FedoraCore6 (very close to CentOS5)
on a P4 box with 256MB of RAM, using KDE.

OpenOffice (word, calc) was usable once it started, startup
  was rather slow.
yum update was painful, I had to run it from text mode sometimes.
With 384MB and IceWM or XFCE you should be OK
(although I am not sure if Firefox and OpenOffice at the same
time will be possible ...)
One problem with old firefox is that it is (said to be) leaking memory
so restarting it every few hours of so might be useful.
I seem to remember that opera was advertised as being
less memory hungry than firefox.

> Openoffice, a little Perl/Python/C here and there. I was
No eclipse, of course.

> thinking about using either XFCE or Icewm as the window
> manager. I'd also like it to work with the existing wireless
> card (Dlink DWL-G650). Any thoughts or recommendations?
No idea here.

Good luck,


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