On Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Alain Terriault wrote:

What is todays most effective combination to filter spam ?

We use a three-way combination (on a CentOS 5 base), in this order:

  1. sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org
  2. clamav-milter
  3. spamass-milter (milter-ized spamassassin)

Our server only handles about 50 user accounts, so it's not an industrial-strength setup by any means -- though our uptime is well above our internal SLA, and most of our employees have a fairly active e-mail life. :-)

All bounces happen during the SMTP transaction, so there's no backscatter problem.

In a typical week, spamhaus will block ca. 60% of inbound traffic, spamassassin 10%, and ClamAV 2-3%. We end up delivering only about 25% of the messages we receive from the Internet.

We use rpmforge packages for everything.

Paul Heinlein <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> http://www.madboa.com/
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