On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 6:56 AM, William L. Maltby
> On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 23:27 -0400, Scott R. Ehrlich wrote:
> > I am trying to install Oracle client 10g (10.2.0) on a 64-bit CentOS 5.0
> > system.
> >
> > 'rpm -q make gcc glibc etc' reveals some packages as "not installed", yet
> > a yum install <package name> consistently returns Nothing to do. Yum list
> > available <package name> yields nothing needed.
> >
> > If rpm -q <list of packages> lists some that are "not installed" but every
> > variant of yum install and yum list I've tried and googled claiims nothing
> > more needs to be installed, either the OS is misreporting (I doubt that)
> Good, 'cause the OS has nothing to do with it!  ;-)   It's all the rpm
> package and what sits on top of that, yum.
> > or I'm missing something that is not easily being revealed, or that I
> > haven't used in a long time and outright forgetting.
> A common error is to not give the correct name to rpm. Try
>   rpm -qa | grep <part of the pkg name>
> I often forget to add such trivial stuff as ".i386" to the package name.

This is very important because in a 64 bits installation, you will
need some packages in 32 bits version also (rpm -qa will show you
duplicate names because of this). IIRC openmotif21 has 32 bits version

By default, yum installs the default architecture (uname -i) but you
can "yum install compat-libstsdc++-devel.i386" if you need. To see the
architecture of installed packages: rpm -qa --qf


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