Go with CentOS on all machines, not only the servers. The turnaround time for
Fedora is a tad bit high IMO. I assume your time is not without limits, and
with CentOS you'll be supported till like 2014 with patches and stuff IIRC.
Fedora is 1,5yrs/release I think.
If you can afford it, use RHEL on the server (I think you'll be fine with the
most basic entitlement). Remember, if nobody buys RHEL there won't be any
Install one client and set it up like you want it and create a kickstart-file.
Use that file when installing the other clients.
For proxy, why not use a separate old machine together with Smoothwall Express
3.0? It's a firewall appliance that includes a transparant proxy which
requires no setup on the client-side. Plenty of mods too, like
content-filtering to filter out pron and other filth. See here for info on
Smoothwall http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=smoothwall.
Smoothwall can fix your dhcp-thing too. Installation in general of SW is a
laugh, it's that simple. Just keep track of the red (ext) and green (int)
networks. 8-)
I suggest you start with installing the server and then the proxy/Smoothwall.


Of Harry Sukumar
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:04 AM
To: centos@centos.org
Subject: [CentOS] School Server Setup

Hello All!!!


I was wondering if you can help me little bit.. 


I am trying to help (voluntary service) a country side school (Aboriginal
community) in Northern Queensland Australia setup lab infrastructure, it's a
very remote school and they don't have enough funds to go commercial


The school has only till grade 6 


They have 25 machines that was bought out of the government grant but none of
the machines come with windows 


I was asked by the school president to setup lab infrastructure currently they
have Internet (Dynamic) with only two machines connected 


I have asked them to change the plan to Static IP address which I presume will
be done some time this week 


I have decided to go Linux on all the machines including the server


Could some one please cast some light on how I can carry on with this project,
I am not sure where to start and I am fairly new to Linux and system
administration world


Currently what's in my mind is to setup fedora on all desktop and CentOS5 as
my server with following services configured 


Proxy-squid (all the traffic to pass through)






Squirrel mail 






I am not sure where to start with this project


Your help will be highly appreciated by the little kids who have never even
touched a computer before in there life!!!




Many Thanks 






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