On Tue, 2008-06-17 at 13:09 -0500, Sean Carolan wrote:
> I found this on the mod_jk howto from the apache site:
> *********************
> For example the following directives will send all requests ending in
> .jsp or beginning with /servlet to the "ajp13" worker, but jsp
> requests to files located in /otherworker will go to "remoteworker".
>     JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
>     JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
>     JkMount /otherworker/*.jsp remoteworker
> You can use the JkMount directive at the top level or inside
> <VirtualHost> sections of your httpd.conf file.
> *********************
> I just need to figure out how to get the equivalent JkMount command to
> replace the old ApJServMount from before.  If anyone has an idea how
> this is done please let me know.  Most of the documentation I have
> read is tomcat-specific, whereas I am not actually using this to
> connect to a modern Tomcat server.

It doesn't matter. You can use the ajp12 connector if your application
server doesn't support ajp13.

The server URL (remoteworker in the above example) has to be configured
in a different file.
You'll find two example files attached. mod_jk.conf has to be included
by httpd.conf, workers.properties is referred by mod_jk.

To err is human; to forgive, infrequent.
- Franklin P. Adams

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile     /var/log/httpd/openspcoop-mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel error
#JkLogLevel debug

# Public services
JkMount /* ajp12
JkMount /servlets ajp12

#------ DEFAULT worket list ------------------------------------------
# The workers that your plugins should create and work with
# Add 'inprocess' if you want JNI connector
worker.list=ajp12, ajp13
# , inprocess

#------ DEFAULT ajp12 WORKER DEFINITION ------------------------------

# Defining a worker named ajp12 and of type ajp12
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#  ----> lbfactor must be > 0
#  ----> Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

#------ DEFAULT ajp13 WORKER DEFINITIONS -----------------------------

# Defining a worker named ajp13 and of type ajp13
# Note that the name and the type do not have to match.
# Specifies the load balance factor when used with
# a load balancing worker.
# Note:
#  ----> lbfactor must be > 0
#  ----> Low lbfactor means less work done by the worker.

# Specify the size of the open connection cache.

# The loadbalancer (type lb) workers perform wighted round-robin
# load balancing with sticky sessions.
# Note:
#  ----> If a worker dies, the load balancer will check its state
#        once in a while. Until then all work is redirected to peer
#        workers.
worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13

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