Am 29.06.2008 um 09:08 schrieb Rudi Ahlers:

Hi all

I want to look at setting up a simple / cheap SAN / NAS server using normal PIV motherboard, 2GB (or even more) RAM, Core 2 Duo CPU (probably a Intel 6700 / 6750 / 6800) & some SATA HDD's (4 or 6x 320GB - 750GB). My budget is limited, so I can't afford a pre- built NAS device.

Can this be done with CentOS? I've been looking FreeNAS (which is built on FreeBSD), and it look like a great project, but since the hardware support in FreeBSD is limit, I'd rather use Linux for it.

What hardware do you own that is not supported?

Has anyone done this? If so, please share a bit in your experiences :)

While it can certainly be done with CentOS, I'd take a look at Solaris/OpenSolaris for that purpose.
ZFS really beats anything else out there.
But you need a lot of RAM. 2 GB is good, 4 GB would be better ;-)
Actually, the calculation is that it needs a GB of RAM for every TB of managed data. So, if RAM is scarce and the feature of ZFS are not needed (for whatever reason), CentOS may be still be a good option.

Rainer Duffner

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